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Better knowledge about menstruation – better health for girls

Menstruation is a normal bodily function, yet globally girls face many challenges regarding their period: lack of knowledge, taboos, and limited access to affordable menstrual products. The consequences for girls can include severe health conditions, social exclusion and lost educational opportunities as girls skip or drop out of school. WASH United together with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts (WAGGGS) is working to address this by educating girl guides and girls scouts across Sub-Saharan Africa on good menstrual hygiene management (MHM). Through this project, 54,000 girls will be empowered to make informed decisions about how to manage their periods safely, hygienically and with confidence, helping to improve their overall health and educational opportunities.

What the project delivers

Education for scout leaders about menstrual hygiene and how to talk about menstruation. The scout leaders, in their turn, will educate girls.



Why we support this project

It is unacceptable that menstruation stops girls to reach their full potential.   WASH United works against this by educating and empowering girls.

Project time status


This project started in February 2019 and ended in August 2020

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