14/3 2025

200 Million SEK to The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation

The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation received 200 million SEK in this year’s distribution from The Swedish Postcode Lottery. These funds will be allocated to projects from organizations that are making a significant impact. We are incredibly grateful for this contribution.

A total of 62 organizations shared this year’s billion SEK surplus from The Swedish Postcode Lottery in 2025. The Postcode family includes organizations dedicated to children and youth, animals and nature, research and health, democracy and society, climate and environment, as well as sports and outdoor activities. Despite their diverse missions, these organizations share a common goal – creating a better world for people, animals, and nature.

This year, Sveriges Sportfiske-och fiskevårdsförbund became a new beneficiary of the lottery, making it the 62nd organization to share in the lottery surplus. Sportfiskarna has previously received support from The Foundation for various projects. We warmly welcome them to the Postcode family!

During the distribution event, we also celebrated the 20th anniversary of The Swedish Postcode Lottery and recognized all the organizations that have contributed to significant changes over the years. For us, this means that, thanks to The Postcode Lottery, we have distributed over 2.4 billion SEK to more than 1,300 projects worldwide.

Looking ahead to 2025

As beneficiaries, we are excited to contribute to the lottery’s vision of a strong civil society by distributing funds to fantastic organizations. We look forward to continuing this work and providing support to more projects throughout 2025.

Read more about The Swedish Postcode Lottery here!