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Privacy Policy

On May 25, 2018, the new data protection regulation (GDPR) came into effect, an important common regulation within the EU for data protection. GDPR enhances your rights to determine and protect how your personal information is handled.

At The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation, we safeguard your privacy and seek to ensure a high level of data protection. We want you to visit our website, subscribe to our newsletter, apply for project support and enter into a project agreement with us, feeling safe with how we handle your personal information. This privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal information. It also describes your rights and how you can apply them.


Personal data are all types of information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a natural person, such as name and address, but also pictures and sound recordings. Encrypted data and various types of electronic identities, such as IP numbers, are personal data if they can be linked to natural persons. When visiting our website, the automatic registration of IP addresses is performed for measuring visitor frequency, but the data is not used to identify individual visitors.

Processing of personal data is any operation performed upon personal data, whether it is carried out automated or manually. Examples of common data processing are collection, registration, storage, transfer and deletion.

The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation is personally responsible for the processing of the collected personal data and we ensure the security and integrity of our personal data processing.

Types of processing of personal data

The Foundation uses personal data submitted from the following activities:

  • When subscribing to our newsletter
  • When submitting an application for project support or asking questions related to the application process
  • When a project agreement is signed and anytime during the course of the project period when volunteered
  • When submitting questions or applications regarding employment

Purpose of processing personal data

The Foundation uses personal data for the following purposes:

  • To administer the subscription to our newsletter
  • To process applications and inform with decisions regarding the applications.
  • To receive and sign agreements on project support and to facilitate contact and exchange during the project process regarding project support, project visits, interim reports, final reports, audits and other issues related to the use of project funds. In addition to enable the provision of relevant updates and information about future announcements, upcoming events or other project support related activities.
  • To respond to applications and queries regarding potential employments

Legal basis for processing personal data

The Foundation processes personal data in accordance with the following legal bases:

  • Personal data processing is based on the applicants and our legitimate interest in handling the application.
  • The processing of personal data is necessary for us and the applicants in order to be able to fulfill our commitments under Project Agreement that are written upon granting the project.
  • The processing of personal data is based on active consent or legitimate interest in receiving information.

The use of cookies and other technical applications

A cookie is a small file that is placed on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies and similar technologies are used on this site to improve user experience, analyze traffic, and optimize the site. No personal information (such as email address or name) is saved.

If you do not accept the use of cookies, you can turn off cookies through your browser’s security settings. You can also set the browser to get a warning every time the site tries to put a cookie on your computer. Through the browser, previously stored cookies can also be deleted. See your browser’s help pages for more information on how to do this. General information about cookies and the Electronic Communications Act can be found on the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority website.

On our website there are also applications that link to social media, such as a Facebook and an Instagram button. These features can collect certain personal information, such as IP numbers. This privacy policy does not apply to these features and your interaction with these features is governed by integrity policies of the companies that provide them.

Information that may be disclosed

We never sell your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes or similar, but we can share information with other companies and organizations that process the information and data on our behalf and according to our instructions. This is in order for us to offer our services and fulfil our commitments. When your personal information is shared with these organisations, it only occurs in a manner that is consistent with the purposes for which we have gathered the information, such as to be able to handle applications and distribute our newsletter. We also ensure to have personal disclosure agreements where required by which they guarantee the security of the personal data being processed.

We want to remind you that Mailchimp, through which we distribute our newsletter, uses so-called beacons, which is information about, for example, IP address and browser that you share when you open your email. We do not use personal data but only general statistics to analyze the scope of the newsletter.

We also share personal data with the Swedish Gambling Authority when the Foundation is obliged to do so by law. The Swedish Gambling Authority is an independent personally responsible person, which means that it is not the Foundation that controls how the information submitted to the Authority is to be treated. When personal information is shared with an organization that is independently personally responsible, that organization’s privacy policy and personal data management apply.

Time limits for processing personal data

The Foundation does not retain personal data longer than is necessary to fulfill the above-described services, unless we are required to retain personal data longer to comply with legal requirements. This is governed by the Foundation’s internal GDPR policy.

Your rights

You are entitled to receive, upon request, information about your personal data which we collect and process. Send a signed request by mail to us. You also have the right to have your personal information corrected if wrong, deleted, and moved. You can also request to have your personal information restricted under specific circumstances. Please contact us: for more information. 

We are constantly working on security and privacy issues, which is why this privacy policy is continually updated.

Version 4.0 created in March 2024