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A free, viable and exploratory cultural life

Last year, The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation launched a new strategy for our support to the ​​cultural sector, with the overall vision of a free, viable and exploratory cultural life – accessible to everyone. The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation continues to support a variety of art and culture projects in Sweden and abroad and welcomes all good ideas in the field, from both Swedish and international organizations. However, in order for our support to make the biggest possible difference, the strategy places an extra focus on three particularly prioritized areas.

A Free and Open Cultural Life
Authoritarian regimesunderstand the power and impact of culture on people, otherwise artists would not be censored, threatened and imprisoned. Now we see a growing threat to artistic freedom in several parts of the world, including Europe. The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation wants to work for strong protection for artists and cultural creators in Europe and the world. We also believe that the understanding of the meaning and importance of artistic freedom – as an important part of freedom of expression and as a fundamental human right – needs to be strengthened. There also needs to be room for a diversity of cultural expressions.

Equal access to culture for all across the country
Access to culture and opportunities to work as a cultural creator are unevenly distributed between different groups and in different parts of Sweden. The The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation wants to work to strengthen the conditions for people to create and take part in art and culture, by promoting equal access to a rich, viable and lasting cultural life for everyone across the country. This includes both initiatives aimed at strengthening the cultural infrastructure and enriching the local cultural life. We want to enable artists and cultural creators to be able to work outside the cities, as well as for people with different backgrounds and affiliations, to be able to participate in, and actively contribute to cultural life. This area of priority has a focus on the Swedish cultural sector.

Creativity, and imagination
By being able to imagine the world not as it is – but as it could be – challenges of our time and existential questions about an uncertain future can be addressed. And new ideas born. We want to strengthen people’s creativity, fantasy and imagination, and support art and cultural initiatives that, with the help of imagination, can help break ingrained notions, challenge thought and deepen the discussion to find new ways of social development. We want to create space for different and new types of cross-sectoral collaborations, critical thinking, curiosity and daring to explore the unknown. This area of priority has mainly a Swedish focus.