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Addressing use of digital technologies in borders

Artificial Intelligence (AI), drones, and other sophisticated surveillance methods are increasingly being used in the management and response to migrants globally – particularly along the well-known so-called Balkan route. These technologies are employed to collect biometric data and other information from migrants, while there is very little transparency regarding how the technologies are used, how the information is stored, and shared with other entities. In recent years, there has been an increase in the technologization and militarization, alongside a rise in violence, and violations, against migrants seeking safety and international protection in Europe.

In this project, Rigardu e.V. aims to contribute to the protection of migrants’ human rights in light of the increased use of AI and other technologies by countries along the so-called Balkan route.

The project is supported with SEK 1 560 000 SEK.

What’s happening in the project?

The project consists of two parts:

  • – The collection of testimonies and evidence, which will be compiled into a report for dissemination.
  • – The implementation of advocacy and accountability efforts to influence the EU, UN, and other key stakeholders, to better protect migrants when new laws and regulations are developed.

Why was the project supported?

The project contributes to ensuring that the rights of the most vulnerable for asylum, are not violated.


Project time status


This project started in December 2023 and ends in November 2025

For more information: