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About the Postcode Foundation

The Swedish Postcode Lottery believes that a strong civil society is essential for creating a better world. The Postcode Foundation’s goal is to carry out that mission through projects that challenge, inspire and promote change.
The Postcode Foundation was established in 2003 by Novamedia Sweden AB, which operates and owns the Swedish Postcode Lottery concept. As a beneficiary to the Swedish Postcode Lottery, the Postcode Foundation annually receives part of the lottery’s surplus. This year, The Postcode Foundation was awarded 190 million Swedish crowns (SEK).

Unlike other beneficiaries, The Postcode Foundation is not the final recipient of the funds, but rather has the task of delegating financial support to various types of projects related to; people’s living conditions, nature and environment, culture, and sports. Since 2007, The Postcode Foundation has invested more than 2.2 billion SEK to over 1 100 projects.

We support non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Sweden and internationally, that actively contribute to the global goals and create positive changes through concrete efforts. We dare to support those who think of innovative solutions and are pioneers in their work.

We encourage organizations that test and develop new methods, or collaborate with others that have differing areas of expertise. Even though we can only support organizations for a limited period of time, we hope for projects to have long-term effects. Organizations are encouraged at an early stage to formulate a plan to share project results and continue efforts beyond the project’s completion. We believe in sharing results in order to educate others and continue the spread of valuable knowledge and information.