19/6 2018
Good Health and Well-Being
The fourth and final area of focus that the Swedish Postcode Foundation has chosen for 2018 is Health and Well-Being.
There are specifically two areas that are of interest to us. Mental health, since the number of people affected by various mental disorders is on the rise in Sweden. As part of this initiative, we launched a call for proposal in May, themed “Mental Health through Life”, where Swedish local organizations were able to apply up to 200 000 SEK for various projects. The response was positive and we received 179 applications that we are currently assessing. However, this focus is not solely directed to local initiatives, we remain interested in receiving larger projects that promote mental health.
Lack of access to clean water and sanitation is a major issue throughout the world and it has a direct impact on health problems. Although some developments have been made, however, there are still major challenges to overcome. Therefore, we have decided to focus on initiatives that promote access to clean water and sanitation internationally.
We look forward to receiving your solutions to tackle these issues.