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Increasing Access to Water and Sanitation in Ghana

Despite continued, positive economic growth, there remains a tremendous water and sanitation crisis in Ghana: 6 million people and 23 million lack access to safe water and sanitation at home, respectively.

One of the major barriers the poor face is that they don’t have the savings to make a lump sum payment to install their new toilet or tap. As a result, they end up paying more for daily unreliable, substandard, expensive access, which keeps them trapped in a cycle of poverty. In this project, will partner with the Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network and Vision Fund Ghana to implement WaterCredit — small, affordable loans to people living in poverty so they can get a toilet or tap at home. Together, we will help change the lives of an estimated 20 000 people and build inclusive markets to create a sustainable path to ending the water crisis.

The project is supported with 3 000 000 SEK.

What the Project Delivers

Access to affordable loans in order for people to have safe water and sanitation at home.

Why we support this project

More resources are needed to solve problems with water and sanitation, and this project seeks to address the financial gap by identifying new sources of funds.

Project time status


This project started in October 2019 and ended in September 2021

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