Criteria and Assessment
Officially registered Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are welcome to apply for project funding. The project must have a Swedish relevance, serve a public interest, and address at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals.
All decisions are made based on holistic analysis of the project and organization. In addition to this analysis, we consider how the project complements or unifies projects that currently receive our support.
We can grant support to projects that:
- Are driven by a registered NGO
- Serve a public interest
- Helps to fulfill at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Has a Swedish relevance
We cannot grant support to:
- Projects that seek less than SEK 500 000 or are shorter than 12 months in length
- Members of the Swedish Postcode Association
- Politically or religiously driven projects or organizations
- Governmental or state-driven activities
- Projects that solely focus on events (ex. festivals or conferences), travel and construction or renovation.
We assess project ideas based on the following grounds:
The applicant organization:
- The organization’s ability to carry out the project
- The funding’s potential to benefit and develop the organization as a whole
- The project’s ability to create positive and long-term change
- The work’s ability to endure even after the project has ended
- The potential for the project to positively influence a broad audience (either directly or over a longer period of time)
- The use of innovative or tested methods
- The ability to spread and circulate the used method
- The level of support and participation from the target audience
- The potential to fulfill the anticipated effect
- The relevance of the problem the project addresses and its ability to build momentum
- The project’s relevance for the Swedish public
- The project’s results can be communicated and disseminated
Please read through our criteria and assessments before you fill out your application.