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Amplifying citizen’s voices for social change

RNW Media develops the capacity of young journalists, bloggers and vloggers to create inclusive digital communities for young people in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and China. These alternative civic spaces enable young people to access reliable information, form and express opinions, and engage with decision-makers, thus facilitating their ability to shape societies that respond to their needs.

The project provides young change-makers curriculum-based training and tools for developing digital communities. Using a Training of Trainers approach they are taught to train others.

The project is supported with 2 860 000 SEK.

What the project delivers

RNW Media will share  lessons learned with CSOs working on human rights, including the freedom of expression of young people, so they can benefit from the expertise and outcomes of the project.

Why we support this project

The project enables young people to unite, mobilize commitment and make their voices heard, which is a prerequisite for a democratic society.

Project time status


This project started in August 2019 and ended in February 2021