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Fishing is Life: Building the Environmental and Social Resilience of Mozambique´s Coastal Fisheries

Small-scale fisheries account for approximately half of the world’s total fish catch. However, due to lack of data, it is hard for the authorities to ensure sustainable marine resource use and stewardship. In the meantime, the fishers live in vulnerable conditions, making it more difficult to ensure sustainability. In this project, Rare seeks to build the social and environmental resiliency of Mozambique’s vulnerable coastal fishers and fisheries. This includes facilitating fisher registration and introducing a technology system to enable communities to collect much-needed data about their fisheries. This way, the fishermen’s catch and how much it sells for will be registered.

The new information will provide local communities and governments the ability to make more informed decisions about natural resource management use and access. The fishers will also have a better overview of their finances as well as become part of the “formal economy”.

What the project delivers

Introduction of digital registry and platform, as well as education of small-scale fishers in Mozambique.


Why we support this project

Introducing means for sustainable fishing and improving small-scale fishers’ living conditions are important components for reaching sustainability for People and Planet.

Project time status


This project started in January 2018 and ended in March 2019

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