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Eco-friendly stoves provide improved health for people and planet

In rural homes, a lack of energy access significantly contributes to climate change and deforestation because firewood, rather than clean energy products, is used for cooking. In Burma, over 80% of rural homes have no access to electricity due to widespread poverty and lack of access to modern energy products. It is estimated that 3 million households use firewood for cooking.

In this project, Mercy Corps seeks to increase knowledge and interest for eco-friendly stoves and the use of sustainable energy in the country, as well as ensure that more households in rural areas have access to eco-friendly stoves. The project will help entrepreneurs, mostly women and youth in rural areas, start microenterprises selling cooking stoves on a commission basis as sales agents. These will also be provided financial literacy training and sales training, after which they will be supported by Mercy Corps field team to carry out cooking demonstrations in their communities using the clean stoves.

What the project delivers

National public and government awareness campaigns to raise interest in clean cooking, as well as distributing eco-friendly stoves to thousands of households in Burma.

Why we support this project

By giving access to eco-friendly stoves, the project contributes to strengthening the living conditions of rural households, as well as reducing deforestation in Burma.

Project time status


This project started in June 2017 and ended in November 2018

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