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Clean Cooking Data for All

Around 3 billion people worldwide do not have access to clean cooking solutions. Relying on traditional cooking methods, such as burning wood or biomass, is harmful to people’s health and the environment. Correcting the problem demands major investment in clean cooking solutions. Still, current finance is less than 2 percent of what is needed to ensure universal access to clean cooking by 2030, as called for by UN Sustainable Development Goal 7.

Designing clean cooking solutions that match peoples’ cooking needs and behaviours requires understanding household usage and impact, which requires data. Such reliable data is essential to catalysing greater investment in the sector. The Clean Cooking Data for All project is a collaboration between Sustainable Energy for All, Nexleaf Analytics, the Government of Rwanda and the World Bank to bring the cooking sector a first-of-its-kind data and analytics platform. It will be a hub for data on clean cooking technology solutions that reduce human exposure to indoor air pollution. The project will pilot in Rwanda in 2021 by installing 200 cooking sensors (two per household) in 100 households. Collected data will then be consolidated in the platform and accessible to those in the cooking sector.

The project is supported by the Swedish Postcode Foundation with SEK 3,155,000.

Detta kommer att hända i projektet

Pilotprojektet ska börja i Rwanda och under 2021 ska 200 sensorer installeras i 100 hushåll. Den samlade datan ska samlas in och tillgängliggöras för aktörer inom matlagningsmiljö.

Därför fick projektet stöd

Vid ett lyckat pilotprojekt finns goda förutsättningar för att skala upp projektet till fler länder och göra plattformen globalt gångbar vilket ökar chansen för att det globala målet om hållbar energi för alla, SDG7, ska kunna uppnås till år 2030.

Project time status


This project started in January 2021 and ended in December 2022

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