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Reducing Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is a problem that affects the health of the ocean and costs the global economy tens of billions of euros every year. Those that participate in IUU fishing break or avoid national and international fishing rules and operate outside the reach of government control. IUU fishers cannot operate on their own and rely on an international network of businesses that provide them with essential services. Companies that provide support to the global fishing fleets can fight back against illicit operators by not conducting business with them, and thus reducing their access to the essential services that keep them operationally afloat.  

In this project, Fundacion Oceana seeks to ensure that operators engaged in illegal fishing are deprived of access to necessary services, which in the long run makes it impossible for them to continue with their activities.

The project is supported with SEK 2 000 000.

What does the project deliver?

Assisting key service-providing companies in target sectors to introduce transparency requirements and improve their due diligence processes that will reduce their risk of supporting or benefitting from IUU fishing and non-compliance with EU and international law and regulations. Furthermore, ensuring that regulatory bodies are enforcing legal prohibitions on the provision of services to IUU fishing vessels.

Why do we support this project?

The project contributes to the reduction of illegal fishing.

Project time status


This project started in January 2022 and ended in June 2024

For more information: