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Supporting Democracy in Burma

Burma, which was ruled by the military until 2011, has in recent years shifted governance and a democratization process has begun. Under the military regime, people were unable to participate in politics, which has resulted in people’s inability to hold the government and the army accountable to ensure good governance. Thus, major challenges still remain, especially in regards to human rights and freedom of speech. For civil society and media actors, access to the government is still extremely challenging and in order for them to be able to demand a true democratic change, well-researched and un-biased information is needed.

In this project, the Swedish Burma Committee will seek to strengthen the ability of citizens to hold decision makers accountable by improving their access to relevant and accurate information about the reform process.

What the project delivers

Production of un-biased news articles, analysis, and research on the situation in Burma, as well as education and mobilization of local communities for engagement.

Why we support this project

By strengthening media outlets and the civil society, the project contributes to peaceful, just and strong institutions (SDG 16) which is key in any democratization process.

Project time status


This project started in April 2018 and ended in March 2019