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Skateistan in a Box – Scaling Skateistan

Children living on the streets, in slums, or who are refugees, are at greater risk of being excluded from school and thereby being further marginalized. Insecure living conditions, child labor, political instability, and conflict, are other factors that worsen the opportunities for children to reach their full potential. Although South Sudan, Kenya, and Bangladesh are geographically dispersed, they are areas with many similarities in terms of socioeconomic inequalities and limited access to education and healthcare. To counter these issues, investments in education and health are needed so that children in these areas can have a fair and safe upbringing.

With this project, Skateistan aims to provide education, and improved mental and physical health for children in vulnerable situations in South Sudan, Kenya, and Bangladesh by combining skateboarding with teaching.

The project is supported with 2 320 000 SEK.

What’s happening in the project?

  • – Weekly programs are organized where lessons combine skateboarding with subsequent education, in both classrooms and skateparks.
  • – The lessons are designed with local partners to ensure geographic local relevance.
  • – Events are organized to increase cohesion among the children, and to enhance the understanding of the skateboarding classes among the guardians.
  • – Regular training and workshops are conducted with local partners to strengthen the capacity, and provide tools, for navigating the unique challenges of dealing with marginalized groups of children.

Why is the project supported?

The project contributes to increasing access to education for children in vulnerable situations, and the opportunity for improved mental and physical health, through skateboarding.

Project time status


This project started in April 2024 and ends in March 2026

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