The Food Systems Newsroom
European agriculture absorbs the world’s largest pool of subsidies and delivers accelerating inequality in return. Agribusiness poisons the air, water and soil. Responsible for 35% of man-made greenhouse gases, it drives climate change and dumps its real costs disproportionately onto poor and marginalised sections of society. These costs include: unhealthy food, modern slavery practices in farm labour, and pollution and drought. The story of the industry of “Big Ag” is one where the overriding priority is abundance regardless of consequences.
With this project, Stichting Lighthouse Reports wants to contribute to an increased understanding of how the global food system is crucial for a sustainable future for people, animals and nature.
The project is supported with SEK 2,730,000.
What does the project deliver?
- – Establishment of a newsroom on food systems where investigations are carried out in Europe with a particular focus on Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Spain and Romania/Poland.
Why do we support this project?
Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of European citizens are concerned that greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced, there are no overall changes to the current food system. In order for sustainable food systems to become a reality, increased awareness is required of what shortcomings the food system has and what structural changes need to be implemented. The project contributed to that implementation.
Project time status
This project started in November 2022 and ends in October 2024
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