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Addressing Climate Globally with Female Leaders

Climate change increases the risk for women and girls to be subjected to violence and sexual abuse, more girls will be forced to leave school and women’s livelihoods will be threatened. At the same time, girls and women’s influence and participation in climate work is limited. Sport is a confirmed method for reaching out and addressing social challenges and such as highlighting the link between climate change and gender equality. However, there is a lack of support and practical tools for grassroots organizations on how to use physical activity and play to educate and act on climate change from a gender perspective.

In this project, Coaches Across Continents Ldt seeks to give female role models and leaders the right tools such as play, movement and sports to combat the challenges posed by climate change.

The project is supported with SEK 2 170 000.

What does the project deliver?

A new training material aimed for sports organizations and sports leaders will be developed. Female-led grassroots organizations, their leaders and female role models will receive the training materials, practical tools and continuous support in how they can lead and implement efforts in their local communities to act on climate change, through sport, play and movement.

They will intern establish initiatives and programmes aimed at educating young people about climate change from a gender perspective.

The project also includes a communications campaign, to create awareness on the link between climate change and gender equality and the importance that sports, and movement can have in addressing these challenges.

Why do we support the project?

Women and girls living in poverty are hardest hit by climate change and it is therefore important to empower women and girls to participate and influence climate work. The project is also part of our initiative within Sport for social change work.

Project time status


This project started in October 2022 and ended in April 2024

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