Föreningen Medveten Konsumtion Sverige Sustainable and Circular Consumption Nature and environment Race For The Baltic lnsamlingsstiftelse Stop the Leakage – Reducing Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea Nature and environment Luftförorenings- och klimatsekretariatet (AirClim) Increased knowledge to fight global warming Nature and environment Stichting European Climate Foundation Citizens Assembly for Civilian Influence on Climate Policy Nature and environment Kultivator Explorations of Now Nature and environment Afghanaid Taking action against climate change in Afghanistan Nature and environment International Cryosphere Climate Initiative Europe Capacity for the Cryosphere: Meeting the Challenge Nature and environment myAgro Farms Helping Smallholder Farmers Become Climate Resilient People Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) Tackling Climate Crime Nature and environment International Budget Partnership (IBP) Tackling Climate Change One Budget at a Time Nature and environment Film and Tell Bio – a more sustainable production of fruits and veggies Nature and environment Beyond Sport Foundation Climate Action Through Sports Sports TREE AID Restoring and protecting vulnerable ecosystems in Niger Nature and environment Center for Climate Crime Analysis Ending impunity for private sector actors for serious environmental destruction through innovative NGO-driven investigations Nature and environment Stichting Wildlife Justice Commission Fighting illegal trade with exotic pets Nature and environment Pasaules Dabas Fonds, Lithuanian Fund for Nature och Estonian Fund for Nature Increase the awareness about sustainable fishing in the baltics Nature and environment EAT Foundation Science-based targets for sustainable food systems Nature and environment Coalition Clean Baltic Less plastic in the Baltic Sea Nature and environment Conservation International Green-Grey: Developing the Next Generation of Infrastructure for Climate Change Nature and environment Rainforest Alliance Strengthening tea farmers through better access to data People